Only a small number of YKIP High School Graduates have been able to continue to higher education. It was due not only to the limited number of University Scholarships that YKIP offered but also the timing. To most of these high school/ vocational school graduates, it is a matter of urgency to dive into the workforce and make a living straight after graduation to support their families financially. Also, the costs spent on Undergraduate Education are very high.
Based on these considerations, YKIP initiated a Vocational Education program called Vocational Scholarship Program. In addition to the financial considerations, this program aims to have a more significant impact on society. The long-term objective is to contribute to the reduction of the unemployment/underemployment rate in Bali by providing scholarships for economically disadvantaged High School graduates to acquire a one-year Vocational Diploma Degree.
By equipping the graduates of this program with skills required for commonly available jobs, they will be fit to compete in the workforce and increase their opportunities in earning a decent livelihood.
YKIP relies on the generosity of donors and sponsors to support disadvantaged young people in Bali with the skills required to compete in the job market and increase the potentials to earn a decent livelihood.
Breakdown Cost | IDR | USD |
Vocational Education Cost | 18,700,000 | 1,247 |
Student Accommodation & Living Expense | 9,000,000 | 600 |
Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation | 500,000 | 33 |
Administration Fee | 2,820,000 | 188 |
Total Program Expenses | 31,020,000 | 2,068 |
Sponsorship after PayPal charges | 2,164 |
Sponsoring a student is a life-changing experience for both the sponsor and the child. Be part of the child’s life and see them grow and their quality of life improve.
Sponsors have a unique experience to be part of the effort to improve the lives of disadvantaged families in Bali.
Sponsors of this program:
YKIP's Vocational Scholarship Program has helped 77 children, 68 of whom have completed their education.