VOCATIONAL Scholarship Program


Donor: 6 See donor list
Sponsored Students9 Total Students9

Vocational Scholarship Program: One-year Training Program 

Only a small number of YKIP High School Graduates have been able to continue to higher education. It was due not only to the limited number of University Scholarships that YKIP offered but also the timing. To most of these high school/ vocational school graduates, it is a matter of urgency to dive into the workforce and make a living straight after graduation to support their families financially. Also, the costs spent on Undergraduate Education are very high. 

Based on these considerations, YKIP initiated a Vocational Education program called Vocational Scholarship Program. In addition to the financial considerations, this program aims to have a more significant impact on society. The long-term objective is to contribute to the reduction of the unemployment/underemployment rate in Bali by providing scholarships for economically disadvantaged High School graduates to acquire a one-year Vocational Diploma Degree.

By equipping the graduates of this program with skills required for commonly available jobs, they will be fit to compete in the workforce and increase their opportunities in earning a decent livelihood.  


YKIP relies on the generosity of donors and sponsors to support disadvantaged young people in Bali with the skills required to compete in the job market and increase the potentials to earn a decent livelihood.

Annual Education Cost for Academic Year 2023/2024
Breakdown Cost IDR USD
Vocational Education Cost 18,700,000 1,247
Student Accommodation & Living Expense 9,000,000 600
Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation 500,000 33
Administration Fee  2,820,000 188
Total Program Expenses 31,020,000 2,068
Sponsorship after PayPal charges   2,164
  • The above cost represents an annual education cost for the Academic Year 2024/2025, effective as of January 1, 2024.
  • The conversion exchange rate used is assumed at IDR 15,000 for USD. We use this rate in anticipation of the fluctuation of Rupiah against USD to ensure that the fund after the conversion to Rupiah is sufficient.
  • Payment made through PayPal is subject to PayPal rates include 4.4% transaction fee + US $0.30 per transaction. Please go to this link for detail: PayPal Fees for International Payments

Sponsoring a student is a life-changing experience for both the sponsor and the child. Be part of the child’s life and see them grow and their quality of life improve.

Sponsors have a unique experience to be part of the effort to improve the lives of disadvantaged families in Bali.

Sponsors of this program:

  • Establish a unique bond with the sponsored student. Having the opportunity to meet with the sponsored students and their family and follow their transformation to a better quality of life.
  • Make a difference by changing the cycle of poverty through education, thus changing the lives of this and future generations.
  • This program encourages our students to be agents of change for other children in their community who are studying; changes the mindset of other children to be more motivated to finish their 12- years of formal education giving them more opportunities in the future. As agents of change, they will also be role models in transforming the mindset of parents about the importance of education for their children. The objective of this action is to increase parental support resulting in them encouraging and motivating their children.
  • To company is to acknowledge its corporate social responsibility.
  • Have confidence in the trustworthiness of our organization in managing donor funding, proved by our transparency in our Audited Financial Reports.
  • Have the opportunity to meet with the sponsored students.
  • Receive a Certificate of Scholarship Sponsorship acknowledging support (Available on request).

YKIP's Vocational Scholarship Program has helped 77 children, 68 of whom have completed their education.