Everyone is struggling in 2020. A lot of them are suffering. And when we talk about the most vulnerable ones, we must not forget about the children. Due to the uncertain situation, they also have to change their daily habits, which is not easy for people at their age. They have to limit their playing time with their friends and even need to do almost everything at home, including studying.
It also happens to our children here in YKIP. The pandemic has affected their life both personally and as family. All children must study from home because their schools are closed. Some of the parents are no longer have work to do, but they still have a family to be fed. This is so unfortunate that this pandemic situation has made their tough life tougher. Looking at this situation, we in YKIP strive to continue our commitment to the children. We feel the utmost gratitude that our generous donors are also keeping continuing their support despite the pandemic so that the support for the children can be distributed as usual.
Even though we have to postpone the second quarter of donation distribution from October to November, but we are glad to share with you all that the events have run smoothly. In November 2020, YKIP team has distributed the cash allowance for a total of 483 sponsored students in program areas. We also announced the KEMBALI students who have achieved the best achievement at academic and non-academic. These students have been awarded prizes and certificates.
We are always, very happy to meet the children. However, their safety comes first as our highest priority. Therefore, during all the events, YKIP implemented strict health protocols and we also limit the number of people who came to the events, including volunteers. We, as of everyone, hope that this pandemic may end soon, so that we can see again those pretty smiles and happy faces of the children, without being covered by masks or any other barriers.
On behalf of YKIP team and the children, we express our sincere gratitude for the support and donation we have received until today. Your continuing commitment has enabled us to continue doing our best to provide educational support for the children.
By working together, we believe we can help more children in Bali to receive proper education and to reach a better future.
Join us in this mission! The next academic year will be starting in July 2021. We hope to see more students continuing their education to a higher level. If you wish to support, feel free to contact us at info@ykip.org
Thank you and see you at the next distribution event!
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”