12 October 2022 marks 20 years of the Bali Bombing 1. Such a heartbreaking event affected the lives of people in Bali and the world. YKIP, an organization that was initially founded to assist the victims, now has been serving the education sector in Bali in memory of the bomb victims.
Here is the reflection on 20 years of the Bali Bombing from David Magson, YKIP’s Head of Supervisory Board:
“Its 20 years since the Bali bombing. So many people were affected, and I cannot truly put myself in their position, but I do hope the pain of loss or of injury has faded somewhat. If it helps their pain in any way, we can say that some good things arose because of it.
YKIP is one and we have been helping children for nearly 20 years to become educated, aiming at anyone time to have 500 children on the program. Education we truly believe helps to break the cycle of poverty and YKIP also now helps to find employment. More specifically the associated KIDS program helped the education of those Indonesian children who lost a parent in the bombing. This of course could not have happened without organisation and funding.
Many people have contributed funds but outstandingly is Mark Weingard and his Inspirasia Foundation. Thank you Mark and all others who have contributed. For organisation we have to thank PT Mitrais who have supplied infrastructure and volunteers since the beginning. Finally, we thank the professional staff of the YKIP team who have worked so well for the children.
Has the world got better in the last 20 years? In Indonesia I believe it has thanks to the vigorous action of the Indonesian government. Globally sadly not with acts of terrorism and war still very much with us.”
David Magson, YKIP Supervisory Board